Every month, we add exciting new features and useful updates to the system to make working in the portal even easier for you. Here, you'll always find the latest information on our newest releases, keeping you well-informed so you can fully benefit from all the continuous improvements.
With version 17.10, all data exports, such as order reports or user data, can now be generated automatically and sent either via email or to an SFTP server. This eliminates the need for manually creating and sending export files. Various processes, such as bundled order submissions to a supplier, can now be automated and handled efficiently. To enable email delivery, the system email "Export Automation" must be activated and configured. The download link in the email is accessible without login. For secure transmission, SFTP delivery is recommended.
It is now possible to define both at the overarching budget level and on a tenant-specific basis whether product orders are restricted to the associated budget or can also be processed through a separate cost center. When a tenant is linked to a budget, it initially adopts the budget’s default settings. Subsequently, you can configure individually for each tenant whether orders remain limited to the budget or if a separate cost center can be used. This enhancement provides even greater flexibility and efficiency in budget management, offering maximum control over the budget utilization of the tenants.
With version 17.9, administrators now have the ability to lock individual elements, such as background layers, in the layout editor by activating the lock icon. This prevents unintended changes, as locked elements cannot be moved or resized. Additionally, it is now possible to save a copy of a document directly from project setups under "Documents." This new feature saves time and simplifies template organization by allowing documents from project setups to be quickly copied and used in other templates.
From now on, bundles can be added directly to products in the product editor. When creating or editing a product, administrators can select the appropriate bundles in the "Used by Bundle" tab. This new feature provides greater flexibility in management. Additionally, bundles are now listed separately from products, significantly improving clarity and navigation.
With Release 17.9, order reporting has been significantly optimized. Administrators can now precisely define which data is included in the order report and in what order it is displayed. Additionally, reports can be filtered by specific time periods, prices, products, and suppliers. This allows for the creation of customized order reports that can be used for targeted analyses.
With version 17.7, optimizations were made within the portal to simplify usability. The product detail page has been visually redesigned to provide a quicker overview of order quantities. A quantity picker now allows users to select the desired number of products. When the maximum or minimum quantity is reached, it is indicated by graying out the options. Additionally, a notification informs users of the maximum available quantity if the selected amount exceeds the stock level. This enables users to directly input the optimal order quantity.
A new feature in the order list is now available to simplify order management. The bulk mode allows multiple items to be edited simultaneously. Using checkboxes, users can select the desired products and either delete them from the order list or move them to the wishlist. This functionality enhances the clarity and usability of the order list, enabling faster execution of desired actions.
The portal's budget management has been optimized to simplify ordering products across different budgets. On the product detail page, users can now see which budget a product can be ordered from. In the order list, the budget for each product can be adjusted individually. Additionally, a new view groups the order list by budgets, providing a clear overview of budget allocation. These improvements make order management easier and contribute to more efficient use of budgets.
Users can now be quickly and easily assigned to an organizational group, which automatically gives them access to all associated clients. When logging in, the clients assigned directly and via groups are clearly displayed. This allows complex company structures to be mapped. With this new function, a district manager for Baden-Württemberg, for example, who regularly works in Stuttgart, can gain access to all Baden-Württemberg locations in the portal via the group assignment.
The generation tolerance can now be set for each output, with a choice between strict and tolerant. This allows administrators to decide whether documents with missing images or fonts, for example, should still be rendered and sent to the supplier. With strict generation tolerance, files with missing elements are not generated.
Release 17.4 optimizes the approval workflows. The new filter and sorting function makes it possible to sort and filter active instances in the admin and open requests in the portal by creation date or by new and old status. This gives administrators and users a clear overview of all current instances and requests.
Widgets can now be added directly to product detail pages. In the admin area, a new "Widgets" tab is available in the product editor. Using a modular system, administrators can customize a product's page with various elements. This allows for the flexible display of product-specific information, such as a point of contact or links to the manufacturer’s website, offering greater customization and adaptability to meet user needs.
Paging has been introduced in the portal to improve performance and provide a better overview. Users can now set the number of elements displayed themselves and choose between 20, 50 and 100 elements.
The "Asset Collections" page type has been expanded and optimized. Administrators can now more easily create pages for asset collections through the settings. Only the selected asset collections are displayed, and they can be added individually or via multi-select using the search button. The added asset collections are searchable, quickly editable, removable, and can be sorted using drag and drop functionality. This update simplifies the management and organization of asset collections, improving overall efficiency.
Administrators can now specify whether products in a bundle are offered as optional items. This gives users the freedom to decide whether or not they want to order a particular product within the bundle.
From now on, it is possible to set the quantity that will be displayed for all products when the product page is opened. This quantity can be set as high as desired and serves as a guide for the customer.
With the new release, the usability and design of the request detail and task overview in workflows have been optimized to provide a clearer display of the process.
Multiple products can now be grouped into bundles, allowing portal users to order pre-configured packages more quickly. This simplifies the organization of tasks such as store openings, employee starter kits, and more. Existing products can be combined into bundles and assigned to different suppliers. The quantities of items within a bundle can be set individually, and administrators can define custom quantity tiers for these products.
With the new update, the user-friendliness of inventory management has been improved. The main menu item 'Portal Management -> Inventory Management' has been split into two tabs. In the 'Inventory' tab, all stored warehouses can be displayed and filtered. In the new 'Inventory Items' tab, a clear list of all items in stock is shown. Items can be filtered by warehouse, critical quantities, and out-of-stock status, among other criteria.
To be informed about critical stock levels at an early stage, it is now possible to assign one or more responsible individuals per warehouse. These individuals will receive a daily email warning when a product reaches a critical stock level. A new system email, 'Information about Critical Stock Levels,' has been introduced and can be configured as usual under Settings -> System Emails.
AI-based image generation enables the creation, optimization, and variation of images using artificial intelligence, such as for category images, icons, or product images. Users can choose from various AI systems that offer different presets. Downloaded images are available in the admin area under Media.
Within asset management, administrators now have the ability to track views and downloads of assets. Each asset has its own statistics editor, offering both a chart and list view. The list view provides detailed information on which user and client accessed the asset.
For downloadable products, the download can be accessed not only through the order history but also in a separate email after the purchase. This allows users to download the ordered products without logging into the portal. To use this feature, the corresponding email notification must be activated for the user. The associated system email can be customized if needed.
With the new release, any number of asset collections can be created and easily shown or hidden within the page using a simplified selection process. This allows for even more customization of the digital asset page structure. Additionally, it is possible to search for asset collections and their labels directly. The search function can optionally be deactivated by an administrator.
The user now sees clear call-to-action buttons in the shopping cart and wishlist that highlight pending process steps (e.g., approval requests, incomplete customizations). These buttons link to the next recommended action, helping the user complete processes more quickly.
If a product has ten or more items/variants, a search field will now automatically appear on the product detail page. This allows users to search and quickly find the different options and variants. This search field also appears on the budget page, in the multi-address and budget selection during checkout, as well as on individual customer checkout pages.
Dynamic content pools allow for the quick linking of entire categories with a template, so changes such as adding or removing images immediately affect the content pool and layout. Relevant information, such as the number of matching items and linked categories, is displayed.
With the release of 16.2, in addition to the existing icons, custom images can now be used for each category. The goal is to further personalize the portal and improve navigation and clarity for users.
The administrator now has the option to display additional attributes on the product detail page. With these new attributes, more information about individual products can be provided to portal users, allowing for a more personalized product presentation.
• Entkopplung von Output und Transfer
• Kategorien in Vorlagen- und Medien-Inhalten
• Erweiterung des Content-Pools um Dokumente
• Erweiterung der Suchfunktion im Admin um Artikelnummern
• Erweiterung des Checkout-Prozess
• Produkteinheiten & Preisangaben
• Erweiterung der Projekt-Durchführung
• Optimierte Downloadoption für Dokumente
• Filterfunktion über Tags im Portal
• Erweiterung der Tags im Admin
• Optimierung der Preisdarstellung
• Bulk-Verarbeitung von Produkten und Preisen (Import / Export)
• Import – Automatisierung
• Automatische Generierung von Produktbildern aus Projekt-Setups
• Erweiterung des Checkout-Prozess (Customized Buttons)
• Mehrfachauswahl von Produkten
• Shop-Icons auf Produktkacheln
• Bulk-Verarbeitung von Varianten (Import / Export)
• Referenzieren von Dokumenten
• Download von Produktbildern im Portal
• Erweiterung der Suche (Produkte, Mandanten, Mandantengruppen)
• Optimierung der Adress-Bearbeitung
• Einführung von Pflichtfeldern
• Einführung von anwenderspezifischen Adressen
• Optimierung des Quick-Checkouts
• Optimierung des User Interface im Back- & Frontend
- Anzeige nur bearbeitbarer Dokumente im Layout Editor
- Preisdarstellung & Texttransformation
- Hilfetexte im Admin
• Optimierung der Produktübersicht (lange Produktnamen & Beschreibungstexte)
• Automatisierte Bar-Code Generierung
• Neues Fly-In am Warenkorb
• Zuschneiden von Bildelementen
• UI Optimierung im Admin
• Vorschaufunktion Thumbnail
• Einführung der digitalen Visitenkarte (digital vCard)
• Optimierung User Interface
• Ausbau des Mandanten-Editors zur Bearbeitung von Attributwerten
• Optimierung des Warenkorbs und Checkoutprozesses
• Erweiterung von Versandoptionen
- Definition von Versandzonen
- Zusammenfassen von Bestelloptionen
- Kostenloser Versand ab X Euro
• Entkopplung von Output und Transfer
• Kategorien in Vorlagen- und Medien-Inhalten
• Erweiterung des Content-Pools um Dokumente
• Erweiterung der Suchfunktion im Admin um Artikelnummern
• Erweiterung des Checkout-Prozess
• Produkteinheiten & Preisangaben
• Erweiterung der Projekt-Durchführung
• Optimierte Downloadoption für Dokumente
• Whitelabeling des Admins
• Erweiterung Schriftenmanager
• Update: Antenna-House Version 7.2 (Renderer)
• Quick-Checkout von Produkten
• Einführung von Produkt-Tags und Berichten
• Widgets in Produkt-Kategorien
• Erweiterung der Portalberechtigungen
• Erweiterung der System-Variablen, System-Mails, Navigation & individuellen Angaben
• E-Mail-Benachrichtigung bei Nachrichten
• Bulk-Verarbeitung von Mandanten und Anwendern (Import / Export)
• Erweiterung der Marketingplanung durch Quick-Checkout, Teilnahmeindikator & Farbeinstellungen
• Sortierung von Merkmalen und Werten
• Suchfunktion bei Mandantenauswahl & -wechsel
• Erweiterung der Widgets (Outputs eines Projekt-Setups, Kategorien, Produktslider)
• Optimierung und Erweiterung der Marketingplanung durch mandantenspezifische Marketingplanung und Anonymisierung von Kampagnen und Produkten
• Erweiterung der ERP-Integrationen (Übertragung an Drittsysteme pro Lieferant)
• Erweiterung der Bestellstaffel um Zusatzkosten
• Erweiterung der Versandkosten – Part 1 (Gewichts- & Mengenstaffel)
• Konfiguration der Hintergrundfarbe von Produkt-Kacheln
• Definition des Homescreen-Icons
• Erweiterung der Mehrsprachigkeit
• Portal 2.0 (Responsive-Design)
• Customizing der System-E-Mails
• Vereinfachter Prozess der Maskierung des Portals
• Installation und Verwaltung von Schriften durch den Schriften-Manager
• Whitelabeling des Admins
• Optimierung des Web- und E-Mail-Dokument-Editors
Optimierung des Layout Editors
• Ladegeschwindigkeit, Performance, Design, Usability
• Vorlagenmanagement (Größenvorlagen)
• Dokumenten-Einstellungen im Layout Editor
• Ein- und Ausblenden vom Inspektor, Ebenen, Mediaboxen, Linelas
• Mehrere Seiten gleichzeitig anlegen
• Seiten duplizieren und mehrfach duplizieren sowie Seiten ein- und ausklappen
• Element-Indikatoren zeigen an, ob ein Element editierbar, variabel oder ob ein Content-Pool hinterlegt ist.
• Elemente ein- und ausblenden sowie duplizieren
• Element-Greifer zur Bearbeitung der Elementgröße oder dessen Rotation
• Farbdefinition von QR-Codes in RGB und CMYK